New Athlete Guidance

If this is your first time entering a competition like the Strength in Depth Uk Championships, you have an exciting time ahead! The information below is a detailed guide to help you to navigate some of the processes of a major international fitness competition and will help you to have a smooth and positive experience from start to end:

  1. Get Registered! You can sign up to the event by creating a profile on Competition Corner and registering here.
  2. Choose your division! The UK Champs is an inclusive event catering to the best international athletes in the Elite division; seasoned competitors in the Rx division; veterans of the sport in the Masters divisions; the new wave of athletic talent from the Teens division and to newer, less-experienced athletes in the Scaled division.

Elite athletes will be performing at a level that qualifies them for the CrossFit Games Quarter Finals and likely the semi finals.

Rx athletes will have completed the CrossFit Games Open workouts Rx and will in most cases have progressed to the Quarter Finals.

Masters and Teens athletes will have participated in the CrossFit Games Open at the Rx loadings and skills for their division.

Scaled athletes will have competed in the CrossFit Games Open, performing any mixture of Rx and Scaled workout standards. Alternatively, this could be their first ever event and the qualifiers could be a fun and rewarding challenge to set up goals for the future.

  1. Check out the qualifier workouts! This year, SiD UK Championships has collaborated with The French Throwdown to produce unified qualifier workouts that allow an athlete to complete one set of workouts to qualify them to either or both events (note that SiD UK Champs does not have an intermediate division and qualifiers for this division will not be applicable to our rankings). A handy overview of the qualifier release dates can be found here.
  1. Complete the qualifiers for your division. 

A. You’ll need to have access to the equipment generally used in the CrossFit Games Open:

Including but not limited to standard Olympic-style barbells and plates, Concept2 rowers, 20-lb., 14-lb. and 10-lb. medicine balls (or kg equivalents), pull-up bars, gymnastic rings, jump ropes, dumbbells and other equipment commonly found in a CrossFit®-affiliated gym. Strength in Depth will not supply or make available any equipment.) 

The required amount of weight (NOTE: All weights will be released in kilograms. It is the Athlete’s responsibility to use the correct loading. Collars or clips are not to be counted in the total weight.)

B. You’ll need a judge. The judge should be someone familiar with the movement standards for the workout that you’re doing. Full descriptions of what is expected will be listed on the workout descriptions with the scorecard. You might even want your judge to have completed the CrossFit Judges Course for 2023, but it’s not a requirement for submission.

C. You’ll need to film your workout for validation. Our expert team of video validation Judges will review your workouts and ensure that the standards are upheld, scores are accurate and that ultimately - the best athletes progress to the finals.

Make sure that you introduce yourself, state your Team name or location and then record any necessary measurements such as box heights, loadings written on plates or distances between equipment as listed in the workout descriptions - failure to record these important pieces of information can result in score penalties or even disqualification.

Make sure that your entire workout is visible, with no rig uprights, boxes or spectators obscuring you from the camera. Make sure that you don’t disappear behind a box on burpees or wander off screen for the barbell.

Our advice is to get an app such as Wodproof (iOS) to record your workouts. It simplifies the process by integrating a clock into your videos. The videos can be saved to your camera roll and can be uploaded easily from there; or you can follow the links in Wodproof to upload directly to YouTube if you have your login details to hand.

Upload your workouts to a video hosting website such as YouTube or Vimeo. When you come to submit your scores you’ll need to provide a link to the video - these can be copied and pasted directly into the relevant field on Competition Corner.

D. Check your rankings! When the leaderboards go live you will be able to track your position from the relevant pages on Competition Corner or the Strength in Depth UK Championships website.

E. Have fun! Win or lose, taking part in these qualifying events is a great way to benchmark your athletic progress over time. It gives great data to your coaches and can help set your training focus over the season ahead.

Wishing you the best of luck! Team SiD

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